Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sell Downloadable product after adding it in Magento e-commerce

Magento is optomized e-commerce to sell Downloadable product such as music, software, etc.
Let's take a look how we add it step by step.

1. Add product
Catalog--> Manage product--> press ADD PRODUCT at right top corner

2. You will see New product. Select your Attribute Set and Product type as Downloadable Product
Now you will have Downlaodable Information at bottom of Product Information.

3. You will see product information. Fill in name, SKU, Url key. Set Status as Enabled, Tax Class as None.

4. Price: This is mother price. It is closely related to Downloadable Information at bottom. You can leave the price as 0 if you set the price of each Linked files separately in Downloadable Information. If your package is only one, set some price here.

I set its price because I don't permit each price of Links in Downloadable Product.

5.  Inventory: Q'ty as 99999999999      Stock Availability as In Stock

6. Downloadable Information: This is Key point of this posting.
In Links, Fill in Title of links.
For Links can be purchased separately, when you set yes, you can give each price for each Link.
When you set No, mother price of 4. Price will be the price.

Upload sample, files, etc there. sample here will be small link next to the title of Link

There are also big Samples section at top. This will show at top field after price.

Other fields such as category, upsells, meta description, etc are same with other products. We just look through some important and different fields till now.

Now, you will see added downloadable product at your magento store.

When your customer buy Downloadable product and pay it, he will receive an e-mail for link including Downloadable Product section of My account.

If you send invoice after finishing it, this order will be regarded as complete. So, do not send an invoice till you receive a payment.

7. In System - Configuration - Catalog - Catalog >> Downloadable Product Options,
There is a Order Item Status to enable Downloads. When you test it, Pending is OK but make sure to set it as Invoiced for a commercial launch. If not, your item will be sold at free of charge

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Activate Demographics in google analytics to support display advertise of google analytics

There are some good web analytic tool called as google analytics.

It is strongly recommended to use other google tools such as google adwords because I think some statistics can be provided only when you use some part of google analytics.

For it, go to

If you register it, you wil see all.
It's hierachy is account > property > view ( You can see when you click Admin at right)

Just click any view that you want, then you will go to dashboard of that view.

At Audience, there is Demographic section.
It is recommended to add it because it gives a rich statistics of your site.

To add it, click overview of Demographics. You will see validate tracking code.

When you click it, there is explanation and press learn more.

Click Learn more, then, you will find upgrade your analytics...... and following guide

.Change code in block letter in your server.

Then, go to Admin>property>tracking info and turn on display advertise support option.

Go ahead to validate tracking code.

Thank you.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Some cloudy weather in Seoul Korea

Today, I went to post office.
On a way to shopping, suddenly it became cloudy and I found the very dark cloud in the sky.

It is late autumn in Seoul, Korea.
It was windy and chilly. It was almost last end of golden time of year.

I came back from shopping wash hands with gold soap and drank ginseng tea for some rest.

Nowadays, there is a earch glass house effect and it is very hot in summer.
When we have a hot summer, it is strange that we have a very cold winter.

The green house effect is caused by the carbon oxide that absorbs red rays and keep the temperature very easily.

Wow, I hope to have a good winter this year.

google adwords howto from google merchant center

How are you?

If you are using google merchant center, you can also advertise products by connecting them with google adwords.

One way is go to webmaster tools--> other resources->merchant center and enter there.
If you are done with data feeds, in Settings > adwords, just make your product ad listing.

Then press Advanced: Manage in Adwords.

in, if you cannot see the information of payment method, it means your browser is not working perfectly for adwords. Please try it in other browser or chrome. In my case, I used explorer 9 and I have a trouble in red bar at top. However, after changing the browser, I could finish the process.

Red bar will disappear around a day.
Then, go to adwords campaigns.
When you press Campaign+ button, you will see three option and select one.

Go ahead to adwords process such as ad group, keywords setting, etc.

Thank you.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Change Explorer version by development tool (shift+F12)

Short key to change internet explorer.

When you use microsoft internet explorer, sometimes, you face the problem that the explorer version is too high to support what you want to do such as activeX or plugin.

Do you need to downgrade it?
If your computer is upgraded from the lower version, you don't need to delete the upper version.
I found that when you upgrade it from the lower version, it is still installed in your computer.
But if you skipped the lower version and directly installed the upper version, you have to available version installed.

You can see that status of internet exploer updates (Microsoft windows) in control panel > Program > Delete or change program > See updates

If you check it installed, go ahead to the next step.

* How to change internet explorer version
There is a microsoft development tool for an explorer. You can use as follows:

- Open your internet explorer & open any site that you want to work
- press Shift + F12

- You can see browser mode and change browser mode there and keep working.

It is very easy way not to downgrade the explorer

Thank you.
by Shop Korea (

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Why does third person singular s survive in English?

Since I am not an native English speaker, sometimes I was very curious about why English has the third person singular s (es).

For example, I go to school in the first person view but we say he goes to school in th third person singular

Historically, English (more strictly Anglo-Saxon) shares a same ancestor language with German.
The native of British Island was Celt and they were invaded by Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon was kind of cousin of German. So they share similar language structure.

Both of them are also belong to Indo European Germantic, the inflectional language.
In the inflectional language, verb has its own inflction suffix as to each first/second/third person.
You can find it in Germany.

Then, England was invaded by some french language using group and it was called as Norman Conquest.
English had been mixed up with the native Celtic and, then, French.
People tended not to use the third person singular form s(es) because English is a kind of Economic language.

The above history is well known but let's think why the third person singular form s survived in English.
Actually, this is my point of view.

Since England was an island, English people was very good at sailing and they faced a very urgent situation at sea often. Even there were lots of wars. So, stragically, they tend to shorten their language by throwing away inflctional suffixes.

However, for a third person, they still needed it because differentiate it from other I or you.
In case of I or You, they see each other when they talk. Each speaker knows who you are.
By the way He or she sounds like a wind and he or she is harder to hear than I or You.
So they left the third person singular s form to know exactly who is coming because, sometimes, the speaker does not directly recognize he or she when they talk.

For an example of a war, they need to give an exact information about the enemy's strategical movement.

Let's say there was a message from the General of the enemy for the negotiation.
The messenger will say: "Our general wants to have a peace negotiation with you.
For a reply: Does he want a peace negotation? It sounds good.

As in the example, having the third person singular s form is more effective in getting the exact information,
I think that is the reason why the third person singular s has survived in English till now.

Thank you.

by Shop Korea

Meta tag - Meta title, Meta keywords,Meta description in Magento SEO

What is meta tag?
Meta tag is a structured data showing title, keyword, description, etc for a page.
Let's see one by one in case of Magento.

- Meta title: It shows up in the browser's top line. It also makes an effect on search result.
- Meta keywords: It is a keywords for search. It can be shown in search result but it is not effective in google search as Google announceed it in 2009.
- Meta description: It is effective for search result. In my case I wrote Major points / name or title / Good features to get the reader's interest.

There is 4 places where you can put meta tag in Magento.

1. Head in system > configuration > design

Then go to Html head where I think this is the place for meta of whole homepage

You can see default title / Prefix /Suffix / default keywords /default description.
Default title, prefix and suffix are also shown in the upper part of the browser.
Between Prefix and Suffix, your product meta title will show up.

2. The next place is CMS > Page of admin panel.
Write some meta keywords and description.

3. Category page: I also think you need to to do it. Just go catalogue. Methods are same as above.

4. Product in Manage Product in Catalog sub group.

 I think it will be perfect if you are done.

Thank you.
by shop korea

Friday, November 22, 2013

What is Google Data Highlighter?

I found that google webmaster tools have a new google data highlighter.

Location is webmaster tools > Search Appearance > Data Highlighter

When I see the introduction, it says it is good for structured data such as review or event listings.
It is an alternative to webmaster markup.

Just Start Highlighting

There will be a popup to select type. In this case, Articles and Tag this page and others like it. Please also fill the url (A specific page is better. For google blogsopt just select tag just this page because a page set doesnot work in blogspot but my magento shop works well.).
Then, press OK. (Enter url agian if it is not pressed)

It is easier than structured data markup helper although both looks similar.
Just designate area. Then, you will see some button showing title, author, date published, etc.

For example, after highlighting title (Make meta ... structured data markedup helper ...snippet), select Title.
Title will be automatically inserted in My Data Items.

Just repeat it to fill rest of data items. Then press Done.
Create a page set will pop up showing similar strudtured pages and just press Create page set at bottom

It is very easy when the structure is very good such as magento. You can do similar pages conveniently.
For some reason, google blog can do each page by page but my magento shop works well.

After creating page set, just publish.

It is good for magento to complement structured data markup.
Thank you.
By Shop Korea

Make meta microdata by google structured data markedup helper and google plus snippet

I have a shopping mall by magento ( and tried to make a structured data for it.
However, it was very hard to do it and I decided to find an alternative way.

There was a meta microdata that I could do it very easily.

You need to know three following google's tool that you can search easily.

or just go to google webmaster tool and click other resources. You will see
-Structured data testing tool in google webmaster tool
-Structured data markup helper

Then, you can refer to Google+ snippet tool (
Originally, Google+snippet tool is for showing some good information when you share something by google plus but you can also use it for making meta microdata very easily.
All you have to do is just paste some code to header of your website html.

So, if you want to get the meta microdata just select product, title and image url as follows. Then, you will get html code there.

Then, for some other information such as price, brand, etc, just go to structured data markup helper.
Just select what you want and url then start tagging.

I will select the product and my url as follows:

Then, you will see the following page

When you click some image or letter, list for each property will show up as follows

When you click image, the image will be inserted.

For the rest of them, you can just add missing tag :

Then, save and create html
You will see html source microdata markup

You see yellow line? Just copy them  in txt file to make meta microdata.
The information that you added manually is shown as meta data.

So, you can make some meta microdata rich snippet
<!-- Microdata markup added by Google Structured Data Markup Helper. -->
<div itemscope itemtype="...>
<meta itemprop="name" content=...>

If you have some meta microdata missing such as title, image, description, just refer to google plus snippet tool that is very easy.
By the way google plus snippet starts with <html.. and structured data markup helper uses <div> tag.
You can also test <html tag.

It is very easy to make meta microdata by using Google Structured data markup helper and Google plus snippet tool.

You just put the complete tag in header of your page.
After finishing, you can test it in Structured data testing tool in google webmaster tool

That is all.

Thank you.
written by Shop Korea.

How to make sitemap for magento

In SEO (search engine optimization), google webmaster tool is one of a good free one to use
because google is no.1 in the internet search engine.

One of the basic step to use google webmaster tool is to register sitemap there.

To register sitemap of shopping mall made by magento, you have to make a sitemap in magento.
Magento has its own sitemap tool in its own.

Just go to dashboard, go to catalog and click google sitemap.

Then, you will see google sitemap tool. just click "add sitemap" in the upper right corner.

Then, you will see filename, path and storeview.

filename: sitempa.xml
path: /
store view: select one that you want.

It is done.

If you already made sitemap, you can just click "generate" in the google sitemap menu of your magento.

Then, go to google webmaster tools ->crawl->sitemap and register your sitemap.
Thank you.
By Gold soap man

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is sitemap for Google Sites, good website tool

Do you know Google Sites?
I have made several sites by google sites and it is pretty good.
Actually, for my, i use google site for its image storage.
It lessens the load of my shopping mall and very fast in showing image.

It is very easier than blogspot to add sitemap of google webmaster tools for Good Sites.

Go to Google and just search google webmaster tools.
Just go to google webmaster tools and log in.

Then, register your Google site there.

Click your site name and, then, go to Crawl.

Select sitemap and you will see the following.

just paste:       system/feeds/sitemap

Then press submit sitemap, it is done

Thank you

Adding sitemap of blogspot in google webmaster tool

After making google blogger blogspot, sometimes you want to use webmaster tools.

You can to to for this.
If you do not register it, go ahead to register it. You will see the following screen.

After doing "Add site" procedure, you will see when you click your blog's url name,
click crawl and you will see the sitemap.

Just click sitemap

 Then, you have to know sitemap url. It is just as below.

So just copy atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 and paste it to the above ADD/Test Sitemap.

You don't need to touch or change anything else but give you following tips.

1. start-index=1
It means sitemap starts from the first writing.

2. max-results=500
up to 500th post

So, this sitemap is for 500 posts.
If you want to start from 501st post just


If you use max-results 1000 or 10000, there is a tendancy that search engine ignore posts more than 500.
So 500 seems enough.

If your post is more than 500, just make two sitemaps one is from 1 to 500, the other is from 501 to 1000.

Thank you.
By goldsoap