After completing the integration of Magento and wordpress by Fishfig extension,
I found that my magento blog shows all posts with the full content and after clicking title, it goes to the individual post page with comment available.
It does not seem so good. So, I want to show only short summary or excerpt of each post in the landing page of magento wordpress blog.
I searched hard to figure out how I can do it. I found that it is related to app/design/frontend/base/default/template/wordpress/post/list/render/default.phtml.
I was trying to figure out how to change code for showing summary or excerpt of post but I failed.
****Found More Tag****
By chance, I found more tag "<!--more-->" In your wordpress editor, go to text mode, there is more
In visual mode, it will look like this
It is a simplest way to show summary or excerpt of wordpress blog in magento fishfig integration without changing any code. I wasted a lot of time to know this way and I hope that it will be helpful for you.
Thank you.