In meta, you will see and you want to remove or change it.
Go to wp-includes / default-widgets.php and find the line by ctrl+F
Just delete the following or revise it.
I just changed it as my related site.
When you integrate wordpress blog with Magento by fishfig magento wordpress integration, you also need to revise some. Default meta of magento integration will show, Magento, Magento Wordpress Integration. Let's add comment RSS and remove others.
It is hard coded in fishfig magento wordpress integration tool.
Go to app/design/frontend/base/default/template/wordpress/sidebar/widget, You will see widgets.
You can add any widget if it exists in widget folder.
Open meta.phtml and let's revise it.
Just copy first item feed and paste it in second item. just change 'feed/' to 'comments/'
You saw comments.phtml in widget folder and erase rest of all.
Now you will see only Rss in meta of magento blog.
It is pretty cool and I think if you make a login widget in widget folder, you can also make it but it is not necessary for me.
Thank you.