Sunday, December 8, 2013

Color of main menu, Title size, Designer name change, Set front page in wordpress theme.

After completing major installation of wordpress, there can be still something to revise in your theme.

I use fishfig worpress integration with magento and found that some theme does not support fishfig integration properly, specially in the sidebar widget.

So, I found that Coller theme is simple, supports the social badge and the origianl sidebar for magento blog. It is pretty good and I think it is not much changed from the original wordpress theme twenty twelve.

However, I found it needs some revision in Coller theme and I explain as follows:

* Style.css : style.css is in wp-content /theme/your theme folder.

- entry title


The title is too big and it needs to be revised. in style.css, search entry-title and revise font-size.

In coller wordpress theme, you can go to appearance --> collor setting --> custom css. paste the css code and revise the font size to 30px or as you want

h1.entry-title a, h1.entry-title {
 font-size: 40px;       
 color: #666;


- Main menu bar color (main-navigation)

In style.css file, find main-navigation by ctrl+F search. change background color code.
You can find the background color code in customizer menu that I will write in the later part of this post.

In coller theme, you can change it very easily. After installing coller wordress theme, go to appearance ->coller setting ->Basic setting. Custom CSS section is at bottom. Just paste your revised code here as follows:

.main-navigation {
 clear: both;
 display: block;
 float: left;
 width: 100%;
 background: #c5d6ba;  ------> change this color code.
 margin-bottom: 30px;

* Customize menu in appearance of admin panel

I have some tips here.

- Color code in customize-->colors

You can get the color code in appearance ->customize->colors->Background color -> Select color
When you click any color that you like, you can see the color code above it.

- How to set Static Front page for magento wordpress fishfig integration.

When you use wordpress homepage, you will set static page as your main page and post page as your blog page. However, I integrate my wordpress website under magento folder by fishfig extension.
When I set Front page here, magento blog shows that page. If you want to show blog page directly, just do not designate any page and leave it select as follows. Then, set Posts page as Blog.

That is what I did.

In magento wordpress integration, I just leave the original path in admin>setting>general>Site-address and I can use wordpress page as my homepage while blog is also used for magento shop.


* Revise designer name in coller theme.

After installing all, I found the sentence 'Coller Theme by...." I feel thankful for the designer but I think it is better to remove or revise it.

In wp-content/themes/coller (your theme)/footer.php, press CTRL+F for searching 'theme by'.
You will find the appropriate paragraph and revise it.

Just revise coller as your theme name, a href="http...... as your url and designer name as your designer name.

* Failure in update, downloading, upgrading of core, theme and new plugin.

Sometimes, after installing new plug in (it was simple optimizer), downloading and installing other plugin does not work very well. In my case, it worked but the process stage dialog was not shown.

It shows downloading----->installing ---->activation but in my case it only stopped in downloading process. I checked if there is a downloaded file in wp-content and it was there.

In that case, I deactivated every plugin and try again. Downloading worked well and shows the proper setence at each stage. Then, I activated plugins.

Thank you and I hope this post will helps you.