Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wordpress - how to make website

I had a website made by xpresseengine, easy  Korea website tool.
However, I felt that it lacks the social function and I wanted to make a blog for my Magento store (

Then, I started thinking how to make website by wordpress.
I made a test page first and found that I need some good theme and plugin for decorating page and loading products.

* Simple explanation of preparing database and wordpress folder in your server.
So, first of all, make a database name in database ( I use mysql, phpmyadmin) and place your wordpress, unzip it and change a folder name as you want.

You also have to give a permission to the wordpress folder by chmod -R 755 or something (707). If not, wordpress will request you to make a wp-config.php manually

Then, log in to that folder ( name) and you will see the very simple setup process and just follow it.
As soon as you are done with process, you will see a log in page and go ahead to log in.

Then, when you install theme or plug-in, if the server askes a ftp and you don't have it, just add define('FS_METHOD', 'direct'); in wp-config.php. It will make you install directly without ftp.
Go ahead to install theme and plug in.

I searched a lot and I found them as follows

* Theme:
Tiga. I selected it after a lot of searching because it supports grid product plugin very well in Grid and List mode.
It is simple but it also supports social function and I can revise some CSS, Header, Footer without revising the core code. I feel very thankful for Satrya who made this theme.

Coller: It is kind of basic theme but it seems to work with Magento wordpress fishfig plugin.

*Plug in
- Grid Product : I needed this for making product category and displaying products without the price. I do not sell products here and only introduce goods because I have a separate Magento store. It perfectly matches well with Tiga theme.
So, Major feature of my website will be made by Tiga them and Grid Product plugin.

Then, I needed something to fill out my pages such editor, widget, etc. I searched very hard and found following plugin widgets.
- Ultimate TinyMCE (or black studio tinymce widget): It add letter size in your default editor.
- Tiny Mce Advanced
- Meta Slider : When I test other theme, I get it by chance. It is good for makeing slider.
- Page Builder by Site Origin:  It is a page builder to insert widget
- Page Excerpt Widget: I shows some excerpt from a page. It is good when you want to show subpage excerpt in main page
- Advanced Featured Page Widget: It seems a little bit better than page excerpt widget.
- Posts in Sidebar: Publish a list of posts and page in side bar. I used this to show products but it does not look pretty when it shows thumnail.
- Page Layout Builder: I just found it and test it now. It is similar to Page Builder by Site Origin.
- Regenerate thumnails
- Quick Admin Links: It shows login instead of meta links. Because meta links contains
- Drag & Drop Featured Image plugin: When you use twenty twelve theme, it can be helpful to get a full featured image.

* Social button on wordpress.
- Floating Social Media icon: Good to make followers.
- Crafty Social Buttons: Share and recommend posts and pages. (this plugin show vertical in some explorer version.
- Social login : by, It makes social login available for up to 20 social sites. It provides a easy guide for a beginner.

*+ Cache and Cleaning
- Hyper Cache : It create cache and speed up website speed.

If you have a better suggestion, please let me know.

You can do details as follows:
* Page: There is on/off option for comments in quick edit page

-- When you edit it, you can see more options such as letter size and color by clicking show/hide kitchen Sink option

* Product: You can upload products by grid product. Tiga and Coller theme support list display. You can regenerate thumnail by thumnail regenerator. Please also make a product category

* Menu: It is easy to make menu by drag and drop.
In menu, when you have a hard time in finding any attribute such as product or product category, please check screen option at top. When you click it, the screen option will show product category and product.
-- Screen Option: right top corner of screen, there is a small button for options

* Category: It is category for blog posts.
* In some theme, you need to designate static front page and post page in customize option.
For an integration with Magento, do not set front page to show blog posts in magento.
* Image: in media, you can control thumbnail size by designating and cutting area

Comparing with Xpressengine, it is kind of big work for me to write at once.
I will add more information when I get more.

Thank you.

Make homepage, site by xpressengine (xe)

There is one good tool for webpage with wrting board in Korea.
That is xpressengine (
I made it and not to forget, I write how I made it.

It just took 3 hours for me to make a new home page with this tool by using the default design.

First of all, go to XpressEngine Official site and you have to download as follows:

- XE core : This is core
- board : This is a board for writing (location: ./modules/board)
-JB_erebus_board : This is a skin for board. (location: ./modules/board/skins/JB_erebus_board)

After putting board into Xe core,
- locate it in your server
-Make a database folder in your database and load it on one ID of database ( mysql account)
-Then, in your browser, type 127.0.01 (if you have your local server) / folder name

You can start installing. You also need an e-mail for admin registration.
After it, when you type folder, you will see the default page guiding your procedure.
It is very easy to make each page and product page.


For a page you see it in content

In setting, you can do url setting in Setting>advanced>general

After finishing it, go to the front of page and start page content setting.

There is a little button for re-create cache file/configure/Modify.
You can configure some contents here. I just install some content widget showing excerpt from pages and products.

It took only 3 hours for me to make home page with default format.

Thank you.