Location is webmaster tools > Search Appearance > Data Highlighter
When I see the introduction, it says it is good for structured data such as review or event listings.
It is an alternative to webmaster markup.
Just Start Highlighting
There will be a popup to select type. In this case, Articles and Tag this page and others like it. Please also fill the url (A specific page is better. For google blogsopt just select tag just this page because a page set doesnot work in blogspot but my magento shop works well.).
Then, press OK. (Enter url agian if it is not pressed)
It is easier than structured data markup helper although both looks similar.
Just designate area. Then, you will see some button showing title, author, date published, etc.
For example, after highlighting title (Make meta ... structured data markedup helper ...snippet), select Title.
Title will be automatically inserted in My Data Items.
Just repeat it to fill rest of data items. Then press Done.
Create a page set will pop up showing similar strudtured pages and just press Create page set at bottom
It is very easy when the structure is very good such as magento. You can do similar pages conveniently.
For some reason, google blog can do each page by page but my magento shop works well.
After creating page set, just publish.
It is good for magento to complement structured data markup.
Thank you.
By Shop Korea