Wednesday, January 15, 2014

clear files in var/report and session of magento

My magento get full and linum mint showed the message that the disc space is full.

I just cleared files in report and session in magento/var

open the terminal in var foler and go to each sub folder

cd report or cd session
sudo rm -rf *

do not use rm -rf *.*   it will clear all route file

for session, you can just delete session folder and it will be recreated.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Su-Gu-Cho-Sim (수구초심; 首丘初心)

Most of eastern countries are influenced by the chinese culture.
One thing from the chinese culture is four character idoms using old chinese character (Han-Ja).

Let's review one four-character-idiom, that is, Su=Gu-Cho-Sim.
Each means Su- Head, Gu- Hill, Cho- Startup, Sim- Mind.

It was derived from the old story of fox.

When fox gets dead, fox lay head towards the hill with his old tunnel where he lived.

It simly means people miss his past hometown after living there.

People want to go back to his hometown or young days when they get older.

It is very natural.

Do you miss your hometown or young days?

Thank you.
